This article is directed at Silicon Valley geek jobs, but the advice here works just as well in the fashion geek world. Make up your own stereotypes! Do your homework! Definitely bring a copy of that interview with the company celeb!

Here’s a useful article on how to ace your job interview.

An interview isn’t an improvisation — it’s a rehearsed performance. And it’s no mystery what the most common interview questions are, so prepare your answers. Even if you end up fielding a question you didn’t anticipate, surely a version of one the 50 answers you did prepare will work with the surprise question.

The Underfashion Club’s September 15 “Paris Show Report” at the W Court Hotel in NYC was so great — it featured presentations by Francesca Spinetta, Chief Editor of Intima Magazine and Hope Schwartz, Entrepreneurial Textile Executive. The standing room only crowd received updates on the recent International Shows; SS 2010: Intimate and Beachwear; What’s Hot Now; and New Store Openings.

Annouk Post in the always-fun Eco Fashion World has a cute article on the latest underwear fashion trends here. The “Oops, I forgot my skirt” look, statement panties, Recessionista looks, and ecologically friendly fabrics, oh my!

Watch this wonderful video, “The Wow Factor!” Francis Cole Jones clearly explains how present yourself — really great info. Well said, Francis!

Fashion Week News has a very good article about Vogue and negative body image. We think that good designers design for real people’s real bodies — there’s no skill in creating fashion that look good on a clothes hanger. There’s no point making people hate themselves either: every body is different and fashion should celebrate human diversity.

The New York Times journalist Joshua Condon has a helpful article about keeping your resume up to date here. Excellent hints and tips!